Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Let's just suppose I'm in despair.  Does Clarion do a mid-life crises special?  Should I just get a tattoo, like some people?  I could just change the blog title to "Will Whine for Free."

Really, I don't know what I'm complaining about, exactly.  Nothing's really wrong, I still have a better life than, say, 90% of the planet, socio-economically speaking, and yet there is something lacking.  I have blogged about the lack of real-life writer buddies a lot (I'm too lazy to look for the links, though) and try as I might, I still can't come up with any solution that doesn't involve leaving this country.  Don't get me wrong, Bloglodytes- I love you guys.  But there's just nothing like someone who lives 10 minutes away threatening to come and bludgeon you with a 400g block of Switzerland's Finest if you dangle one more sodding preposition or switch pov twice on the same page.  Then there's the warm fuzzy feeling of being able to offer such supportive bludgeoning services in return.  I'm not asking for solutions to this problem- it's pretty insoluble unless Kelly Link or Neil Gaiman moves in down the road (Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!) but I just need to whine.  We now return to our regularly scheduled sommer.

Which includes:
1) Wishing my cat would come home :(
2) Teaching Prima all the math and English her pos teachers have failed to teach her over the last few years so she can have a good start in the new school.
3) Trying to keep Middlekid and Thirdling from killing each other- now that Middlekid is going to the upper school, puberty/sibling rivalry seems to be in overdrive.
4) Trying NOT to declare Switzerland to be the most boring country on the planet.  Yes, the Alps are gorgeous, now GET OVER IT, already, and realise that Heidi makes lousy company!
5) Going to visit this guy, who should be cloned and seeded all over Switzerland, because he makes great company.

Sorry to be so grumpy in such fine weather, Bloglodytes.  Must be the donut deficiency talking...


fairyhedgehog said...

I'm sorry you're in Switzerland and it's boring.

The only time I meet other real life writers is at Nano and EE meets. For me the blogosphere is a life line but I know it's not the same.

By the way, I've just noticed your wonderful links to friends' blogs in the sidebar. They're great!

cRANKY said...

I just LOVE cranky blog posts! Superb, I am sharing this with everyone! So glad I am following you on Twitter.

cRANKY said...

oops, mis-commented, I actually found your post on my daily google search for cranky...

Mother (Re)produces. said...

Well, thank you Cranky. Nice of you to stop by! I'm not always cranky, but I'm happy to oblige when I can :)

Robin B. said...

Any luck with your kitten yet, M R?

Robin B. said...

(Oops, sorry - should've mentioned - I'm the same Robin as before, just using my actual last initial!)

Mother (Re)produces. said...

No, she hasn't come home. I think the chances are slim now. I'm a grown-up and she's a cat, I know, so I'm trying to accept the time we had with her and remember it fondly and all, but...

I keep dreaming she's home. How weird is that? I mean, a couple of times a week. Most recently I dreamed I was standing at the kitchen sink and she hopped up onto the window sill outside. It was so real I went to check for paw prints. Honestly, gang, I'm not a total flake, but these dreams are so real and they don't want to quit.

fairyhedgehog said...

I really feel for you.

Robin B. said...

Hey, MR. So sorry about this, and I really understand how you feel, having had and loved cats for a long time myself.

BTW, are you on Facebook? And if you are, how on earth do we find ya?